Staying fit and healthy in your old age is extremely important and one way that could be done is by pursuing creative outlets. Some research suggests that creativity may be contributing to healthy aging and participating in activities such as singing, dancing, painting or theatre performing could support the well-being of older individuals. Creativity and pursuing what makes you happy can lead to the longevity of one’s life.

Elders can indulge in any activity that brings them joy |
Creativity doesn’t just mean pursuing the arts, it can also mean making unexpected connections or escaping your daily routine. It can mean meeting new people or traveling to new places. It could also mean trying out a new restaurant or shopping at a new store for clothes you don’t usually wear, according to psychiatrist Norman Rosenthal. However, you don’t have to go out of your way to pursue creativity. James C. Kaufman put forward the concept of “everyday creativity.” This means ordinary tasks that give you happiness like yard work, babysitting your grandchildren or talking to friends on the phone. One should not compare themselves to other creative and should not be too hard on themselves. That stops people from having fun and the activity is no longer an escape but another stressful task.

Photography is a great hobby |
According to Professor Darya Zabelina, people who travel tend to be more creative. Traveling encourages people to reexamine their lives and find a new perspective. Travelers have more creative success and perform better during alternative thinking tests and also have more alternative ideas. It is important to expose yourself to other cultures and ideas so that you may be less rigid and judgmental in your thinking and understanding of the world. You get ideas from other cultures that you won’t get sitting at home. Inspiration strikes on different lands!

Some people enjoy spending time with their family |
However, creativity in itself is not enough. Being strong in mind can help you hold on to creativity longer. One must stay motivated and train themselves to push forward. Life is always going to throw curveballs at you but it is necessary to not give up. If people lose hope then the longevity of their life will truly be compromised. Regular exercise and spending time with the people you love is very good for health and will help you stay motivated. The main goal is happiness. Happiness will lead to creativity and creativity will lead to happiness.